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Friday, 14 May 2010

monday.. the 1st subject will be started....
DAMN IT! Feel like there's no time left for me to study...
Why there're so much thing i need to read and remember...
tired! no.. extremely exhausted!!!
duno how am i gonna sit for my exam...

geo, his.... a lot....
chemistry, biology.... more than a lot... [?]
physic, math...... little nia... [BUT GOD DAMN HARD LA!!! WALAO!]
i don't want those result start with 5 or below...
but 60 arr....
still don't like le...
may be start with 7 will be better...
80 or 90 much much better...[wake up! stop building castle on air~]

Now all i have to do....
is study..
beside study, it's still study~
Gosh! gambateh la!